Boys are from Mars.

It’s 12:30 a.m and I’m lying in bed thinking why boys can be frustrating sometimes (most of the time).  If you’re in a relationship, you’ll get what I mean.

Here are my 2 cents.

I don’t get the way guys think. Like do they only think with their dick???

When they say they love you, give you kisses, holds your hand, it makes your heart flutter. I mean don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the company of my boyfriend. I like when we hangout together because it feels nice spending time with him. But being his girlfriend, is it strange that I have weird thoughts of who’s he is texting/talking to or what he’s currently doing? Does he only love me for the “special moments” we have or is it really because of true feelings for me?

I mean, I just got back with him and our relationship doesn’t feel the same as it was before the breakup. There is so much stuff running through my mind, i just need to let it out. This bothers me a lot but it hard telling him like why aren’t we friends anymore on snapchat? (One of the few things on the list that bothers me) Even though, a few days ago he sent me a photo with a quote “Communication is key. If you’re able to put your mouth in his dick then you can tell him what’s bothering you”. There are just small,little things that I’ve compiled but I guess I’m too scared to actually say it aloud.

One of the many things we do as girls is stalk their social medias. Don’t lie, I know you do this too. We care who’s photo he likes on instagram or Facebook. We end up stalking the girl he follows just to see if she’s a threat to you or not even though you know he is with you.

I guess in my experience it just irritates me that this one guy you care about doesn’t even bother to text you back after he’s seen the reply and I’ve been just sitting here waiting for a notification to pop up for the past 6 hours of my life.

The emotions I feel right now are annoyed, sad, mad, angry,helpless because I am getting all worked up because of a BOY.

The thought of “did he forget to reply” or “does he not want to talk to me” has came across my mind a few times. There could be more possibilities but that’s all I can think of for now. I’m a bit pissed off at that right now which is why I am ranting a bit here.

Honestly I don’t even know anymore. I don’t get it and I’m just going to go to bed.

//if you guys have any opinion on this, please leave a comment below. I would love to hear responses.

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